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Energy Efficient Heating Systems & Tips for Texas Winters

Gas Furnace

While trying to stay cool and comfortable during the long Texas summer often accounts for the bulk of annual electric and utility usage, there are plenty of benefits to be had for home and property owners who also elect to address winter-related energy efficiency issues.

From installing a new furnace that can provide superior performance and efficiency to replacing insulation and ensuring that thermostats and climate control systems are able to function properly, there are plenty of ways to reduce home heating costs. Choosing an experienced HVAC contractor Arlington TX like Cool Tech Mechanical will help homeowners find and implement the most energy efficient solutions with greater ease and convenience.

Preventative Maintenance and Heater Repair

Older-model appliances and equipment that’s beginning to show its age may be responsible for higher utility costs than you realize. HVAC components and appliances that are not functioning properly can decrease the output and performance of the entire system. Ignoring minor mechanical issues can also cause larger and more expensive issues to develop within a system. Annual and seasonal heating system inspection, testing and assessment can ensure that operational and repair costs are able to be kept as low as possible.

High Efficiency Heating Systems

Investing in a new furnace is just one of the ways that home heating can be done in a more efficient and affordable manner. Newer-model systems utilize a wide range of energy-saving features, such as remote operation, smart-temperature control and more efficient gas conversion or electric consumption. While upgrading an older-model furnace can seem like a costly undertaking, the reduced operational costs can often offset a good portion of the installation and purchase costs needed to provide homes with a new energy-efficient heating system or Commercial HVAC service Arlington, TX. While repairs and maintenance can greatly prolong the operational lifespan of an older furnace, installing new equipment may often provide the greatest long-term value.

Heat Pumps Provide Superior Energy Savings

Unlike a conventional furnace that produces heat by burning fuel or using electricity to power a heating element, heat pumps function by moving heat into or out of the home in order to control interior temperatures. Heat pumps can be used to provide both home heating as well as cooling, and may be used with either electric or gas (Dual Fuel) back up heat. A Heat Pump is basically an Air Conditioner that reverses in the winter time. So instead of removing heat from the inside air and transferring it through the refrigerant to be removed at the outside unit into the outside air. It reverses and extracts heat from the outside air and releases it into the indoor air stream. There is useable heat in the outside air even at very cold temperatures. On average a heat pump is more than 3 to 1 more energy efficient compared to electric heat alone. The addition of a heat pump can greatly reduce heating bills, meaning that households will no longer be forced to choose between their comfort and their bottom line.

Zone Control Heating

Zone control systems function by opening and closing dampers in the duct system in order to increase the comfort level separately in different areas of the house (zones) Heating or cooling the entire house can become a very expensive undertaking, especially for larger homes and multi-story properties. Zone-control provides a more focused and area-specific way to adjust and regulate interior temperatures. Being able to establish different temperatures throughout various rooms from thermostats located in that zone can help to improve both comfort and energy efficiency.

Professional Installation and Service Solutions

Dealing with an experienced heat pump repair Arlington TX provides a much simpler way to install new equipment, upgrade an existing climate-control system or address any future mechanical issues that may develop. Problems caused due to improper installation may result in damaged appliances, voided warranties and systems that are unable to provide the level of performance and dependability homeowners may have been expecting. When it comes to finding the best ways to create and maintain an energy-efficient home this winter, it pays to do business with Cool Tech Mechanical!