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Do You Really Have to Change Your Air Filter?

Maintenance Program

Spring is here, which means it’s time to focus once again on your air conditioning system and make sure that you have everything you need to keep cool in the summer. Some air conditioning maintenance tasks are harder than others, and we recommend having technicians come in once a year in order to maintain the system, keep it clean and make any necessary adjustments to the unit.

But there are also some things you can do on your own to maintain your air conditioning system. And unfortunately, one of the most neglected maintenance tasks is one that is so easy to do on your own.

The Purpose of the Filter

The reason many people don’t change the air filter replacement Arlington TX. It is due to a misconception about the actual purpose of this component. Many people assume that the filter is just in place to help keep the air clean. In part, this is true. It stops many allergens and irritants from reentering your air and helps out those with allergies and asthma symptoms.

But it was also installed in order to keep the air conditioner protected. If too many larger particles were able to reach the unit, they could damage it. You want your air conditioner in excellent condition to run smoothly and efficiently, so instead, these particles collect on the filter, building up until a thin layer of dust forms.

The Problem with a Dirty Filter

There needs to be a certain amount of air flowing into the air conditioner in order for it to stay in good condition. When the AC system is not pulling in enough air, it struggles to operate. The motors and electrical components become overworked, and your system could even potentially fail, all because you didn’t change the filter!

The purpose of an air filter is to protect your air quality, and a dirty filter simply cannot do that. Change your filter ASAP (if it’s been a long time) and change it each month to get the air quality and HVAC Arlington, TX, performance you deserve.

Cool Tech Mechanical provides air filtration services and AC repair Arlington TX and the surrounding areas. Call today for our award-winning customer service.